Editing Services

It brings me serious joy to help you, the writer, create exactly what you’re looking for. Let me figure out that weird sentence or paragraph. I’ll catch that tiny but important detail you left out at the beginning. Leave the nonsensical ins and outs of the English language to me. I’ll get out the metaphorical red pen and whip your novel, memoir, short story, or children’s book manuscript into shape. I offer deep line edits to help improve your writing, as well as copyediting and proofreading to make sure your book is ready to publish.

Here are the types of editing I offer:


This basic service is done at the final draft stage after more substantial changes have already been made.
Proofreading includes a thorough check for typos including spelling, punctuation, and grammar, as well as making sure things are consistent in formatting. This service has the fastest turnaround time.


This is a step above proofing that includes edits like word changes and style choices. I will also address flow, consistency, and wordiness. I may suggest improvements to readability, such as rearranging words in a sentence. This service also includes fact checking and minor research for accuracy.
Copyediting is usually done when a draft is complete and includes one revision if I offer feedback. I also offer a custom style sheet for your reference.

Line Editing

Line editing is a deeper service that takes care of all of the above and more. It may include suggestions for revisions of problem areas or spots that could use more description or information. I may suggest minor improvements to dialogue, characters, plot, and more*. I go line by line to help elevate the tone of your writing, while taking special care to preserve your voice. One revision and proofread included after suggested edits are made. A custom style sheet is included, as well.


Also known as sensitivity readings, getting an authenticity read on your novel is important if you are writing about characters, settings, or themes that are outside your own experiences or cultural background. This is especially important for content about marginalized groups. The goal of an authenticity read is to provide feedback on how well the content represents the subject matter in a truthful, respectful, and culturally sensitive manner.

I provide authenticity reads for: LGBTQ+/queer and gender non-conforming characters and themes, same-sex parenting, donor-conceived children, unconventional families, chronic pain/illness, physical disabilities, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, trauma, poverty, and for Pacific Northwest settings.

Authenticity Reads

*Please note at this time my services do not include developmental edits, which consist of edits to overall theme, organization, story arc, and other larger structural elements. Also note that developmental edits come first and must be done prior to line/copyediting and proofreading.

Ready to get started?
To see pricing information, click here.
To request a quote or sample edit, please click here.